林武雄(Wu-Hsiung Lin)助理教授

- Email: wuhsiunglin@nctu.edu.tw
- 電話: 03-571-2121 ext. 56438
- 傳真: 03-572-4679
- 地址: 30010新竹市大學路1001號 陽明交通大學 應用數學系
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- 113 學年度第一學期:
- 113 學年度第二學期:
- 組合學導論
- 微積分甲(二)
- 學歷
- 國立台灣大學數學系 博士 2003/09-2010/03
- 國立台灣大學數學系 碩士 2001/09-2003/06
- 國立台灣大學數學系 學士 1997/09-2001/06
- 學術專長暨研究領域
- 離散數學、圖論、著色問題、支配問題
- 學術經歷與榮譽
- 2019 國立交通大學 108 學年度 優良教學獎
- 2018 國立交通大學 107 學年度 優良教學獎
- 2003 組合數學新苗研討會 優秀論文獎 (碩士)
- 2009 組合數學新苗研討會 優秀論文獎 (博士)
- 國立中山大學應用數學系 博士後研究員 2010/04-2010/07
- 國立台灣大學數學系 博士後研究員 2010/08-2011/07
- 國立交通大學應用數學系 博士後研究員 2011/08-2013/07
- Ming-Hsuan Kang, Wu-Hsiung Lin, Equilateral Spherical Drawings of Planar Cayley Graphs, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 25(1) (2001), 97–119.
- Yu-Ning Chen, Wu-Hsiung Lin, Chiuyuan Chen, An effective sensor deployment scheme that ensures multilevel coverage of wireless sensor networks with uncertain properties, Sensors, 20 (2020), 1831.
- Kuan-Ting Chu, Wu-Hsiung Lin, Chiuyuan Chen, Mutual transferability for (F,B,R)-domination on strongly chordal graphs and cactus graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 259 (2019), 41–51.
- Shih-Ming Lo, Wu-Hsiung Lin, Chiuyuan Chen, Yu-Chee Tseng, Optimal coloring for data collection in tree-based wireless sensor networks, Theoretical Computer Science, 700 (2017), 23–36.
- Zhidan Yan, Wu-Hsiung Lin and Wei Wang, The equitable chromatic threshold of the Cartesian product of bipartite graphs is at most 4, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 18 (2014), 773–780.
- Wu-Hsiung Lin and Gerard J. Chang, b-chromatic numbers of powers of paths and cycles, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161 (2013), 2532–2536.
- Wu-Hsiung Lin and Gerard J. Chang, b-coloring of tight bipartite graphs and the Erdõs-Faber-Lovász Conjecture, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161, (2013), 1060–1066.
- Wu-Hsiung Lin and Gerard J. Chang, Equitable colorings of Cartesian products of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160 (2012), 239–247.
- Wu-Hsiung Lin and Gerard J. Chang, Resource-sharing systems and hypergraph colorings, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 22(4) (2011), 499–508.
- Wu-Hsiung Lin and Hong-Gwa Yeh, A note on circular colorings of edge-weighted digraphs, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 15(5) (2011), 2159–2167.
- Wu-Hsiung Lin and Gerard J. Chang, Equitable colorings of Kronecker products of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 158(16) (2010), 1816–1826.
(A) Refereed Papers:
- Siyu Liu, Chiuyuan Chen, Wu-Hsiung Lin, A suggestion of a new measure of importance of nodes in disease-propagation graphs, in: Proceedings of the 2018 2nd High Performance Computing and Cluster Technologies Conference (HPCCT2018), 48–52.
(B) Conference Papers:
- Equitable colorings of graph products, Ph.D. Thesis, National Taiwan University.
- On Gallai’s conjecture for path decompositions of graphs, Master thesis, National Taiwan University.
(C) Others: