- Prerequisite:Mathematical maturity
- Recommended for: graduate students
- Introduction:
Graph is the model of many problems, e.g. computer programming, experimental designs, or even pure mathematical problems, and its theory is a delightful playground for the exploration of proof techniques in discrete mathematics. This course prepares students for algorithmic, constructive, probabilistic and algebraic abilities in dealing problems.
- Fundamental Concepts: Definition, Graph Models, Some Graphs, Vertex degrees and Counting.
Matchings and Network Flow Problems: Maximum Network Flow, Minimum Cut Capacity, Duality, Ford-Fulkerson Theorem , Integral Flows, Hall’s Matching Theorem, Generalized Birkhoff's Theorem.
Coloring of Graphs: Definitions and Examples, Upper Bounds, Brook’ Theorem, Color-Critical Graphs, Szekeres-Wilf Theorem, Dirac Theorem, edge-colorings, König's Theorem, Vizing Theorem.
Connectivity: Connectivity, Edge-connectivity, k-connected Graphs, Whitney Theorem, Menger's Theorem.
Hamiltonian Graphs: Necessary Conditions, Ore Theorem, Chvátal-Erdös Theorem
Planar Graphs: Euler’s Formula, Five Color Theorem.
Ramsey Theory (optional): Ramsey’s Theorem, Graph Ramsey Theory
Extremal Graph Theory (optional): Mantel Theorem, Turán Theorem
Probabilistic Graph Theory (optional): Existence and Expectation, Properties of Almost All Graphs, Threshhold Functions
Linear Algebraic Graph Theory (optional): Eigenvalues and Graph Parameters, Eigenvalues of Regular Graphs, Strongly Regular Graphs.
- Douglas B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory, Prentice Hall, 2001
J. H. van Lint and R. M. Wilson, A Course in Combinatorics, Cambridge University Press, 2001
Reinhard Diestel, Graph Theory, Electronic Edition, 2000